how to get a vfat volume automounted with iocharset=utf8?


I don't know where is correct place to enable this so that I would NOT see ??? for files with non-English locale name in a usb disk as it's inserted into one of my Fedora10 box.

I checked gconf key of /system/storage/default_options/vfat/mount_options which is same as the other FC10 one which does a good job in this.

I also checked /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/20-storage-methods.fdi which is also same as that good FC10 one, and where just specify allowed options.

I can enable this in either of above place but I don't think that's appropriate way to fix this. HAL is just mechanisum. I suspect nautilus deal with it but I got nothing after searching source code of nautilus 2.26 for a while. Any idea?


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