Re: using menu-provider extension to change location

On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 20:35 +0100, Peter Goetz wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to write an extension for nautilus which adds a button to
> the toolbar that can be used to change the current location in
> nautilus.
> I'm using the menu-provider extension to create the button, which
> works perfectly fine, however I haven't found a way to actually change
> the location from within my callback function. How can I accomplish
> this? The only way I can think of (which seems to be very complicated)
> is to use nautilus' source code while compiling my extension, do a
> cast of the GtkWindow-parameter to a NautilusWindow-object and call
> the nautilus_window_go_to function. Is there an easier solution?
> Anyone who can point me in the right direction? Thanks a lot!

Right now there is no way to do this from an extension. For each thing
that should be possible to do from an extension we need an extension
point with well defined API and behaviour in libnautilus-extensions. 

At the moment most extensions focus on adding information and adding
extra functionallity for the selected files or the current location, so
there are no extension points for changing the current directory.

You would need to add this before you can use it. You can't call
nautilus_window_go_to() from an extension, as that symbol is not visible
to the extension.

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