Re: [Usability] playlist manager in nautilus

Hi anthony,
Hi nautilus list,
Hi usability list,

From: anthony <dreadyman16 gmail com>
To: nautilus-list gnome org, usability gnome org
Subject: [Usability] playlist manager in nautilus

IMHO cross posting is a bad way to start a discussion. One problem is
that there might be two different discussions and one not aware of the
other. I think you will get enough input from one list and after having
the topic a bit discussed it might be useful to ask a wider circle to
get more input but as a start I just think it doesnt help the discussion
at all. Furthermore the gnome list rules say it should be avoided [0]. 

Please reconsider where the right place is to discuss this and post
again. Anyway here is my opinion on the topic but I'll keep my answer

> For example, with rhythmbox, after having putted your new album into 
> your "Music" folder, you have to rescan your collection into rhythmbox 
> and if the tags of your new album are not good you can't find this album 
> lost among all the "unknow artist" and "unknow album".

IMHO The desktop use is more and more going to be less file central, you
manage your music, not your files. I don't care where exactly my files
are and how they are named i just want to listen to my music. To me it
looks like its a shortcoming of rhythmbox tried to solve with nautilus -
I think the first step should be improving rhythmbox to better handle
the cases you listed. So another possible list to discuss the problem
might be the one of the rhythmbox people.

Florian Ludwig


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