Re: Nautilus Refresh

Hi Christian,

On Sa, 25.07.2009 12:16, Christian Neumair wrote:

>The idea is to have a D-Bus API
>[1] allowing to control Nautilus programmatically, including the opening
>of new locations, refresh of existing ones etc..

That would be very useful, indeed. Also for requesting async file
operations (copy, move etc) -- I really like the cumulative copy tray
icon / dialog, and would like to relay large file operations to
Nautilus even from outside applications.

>All the windows and slots should basically be exposed to D-Bus, and some
>of their properties (location, view ID, ...). If you want to control
>Nautilus from a plugin, we'd additionally have to assign textual or
>numerical IDs to the various slots, and add an API for getting that API
>that can be passed to D-Bus from the plugin.

I've announced work of a split-view mode in Nautilus browser windows
some time ago. Work is pretty far grown (code is on and there's packages for
Ubuntu Jaunty at and Arch
Linux at and I planned
to submit the branch with a request for review soonish.

The reason I am mentioning that here is that the branch introduces
another layer between a window and a slot, called a "pane". A window
may have one or several panes, and a pane may have one or several
slots. Therefore, the window/slot hierarchie is a little modified.

I don't know how far the D-Bus interface spec for Nautilus is grown,
but it would be great if it was prepared (or easily extensible) in case
a multi-pane feature got merged some day.


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