Re: monitor extension for nautilus

fabio duchi wrote:
> How i can take a trace of the files currently exposed by the iconview,
> and how i can force an update of the file's FileInfo class(obviusly
> the file which is the subject of the event) ?

I've got a little bit of experience developing a Python extension for
Nautilus[1] and AFAIK there's no way for extensions to query Nautilus as
to what items NautilusFileInfo objects are currently being displayed in
a given window. We've only got what we're given through

The only thing you can really do right now is collect NautilusVFSFile
objects passed in to your update_file_info function and then when
anything interesting happens add an emblem (you'll have to invalidate
(NautilusVFSFile.invalidate_extension_info() first to remove any
pre-existing temporary attached emblems).

I believe there are some occasions when the reference to a
NautilusVFSFile might be incorrect, e.g. when an item has been moved.

Hope that helps.



Best regards,


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