* GConf keys media_autorun_x_content_ask and media_autorun_x_content_ignore have the same long desc (and the short one is very similar). Is it intentional? If not, and we have to ask for a string freeze, please make the short descriptions (for those two keys and for the other one) shorter :-) * The drop-down box in preferences dialog to choose the extra medium type shows an old GNOME 1.0 paper icon. If this icon should represent the disk type, could be good remove it, 'cause by now we don't have any icon set for specific media (media-optical-xxxx) * I tried to patch Brasero[1] in order to list this application for blank disks. Unfortunately the Nautilus prefs dialog shows only the entry from nautilus-cd-burner. Is my patch wrong, I've to re-generate something, or we are able to list only one application? Cheers, Luca [1] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=519314
Description: Questa =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E8?= una parte del messaggio firmata digitalmente