Re: XML MIME type recognition

David Nečas wrote:
> Hi, I cannot get a XML-based format (named generically *.xml,
> unfortunately) recognized by nautilus, no matter what I do.

I couldn't solve this problem yet, but perhaps the information I supply
in this e-mail can help you along.

> <mime-type type="application/x-spml-spm">
>   <comment>SPML data</comment>
>   <magic priority="80">
>     <match type="string" offset="0" value="&lt;?xml">
>       <match type="string" offset="20:60" value="&lt;SPML"/>
>     </match>
>   </magic>
> </mime-type>
> I simply cannot convince nautilus to report XML files as something
> different than application/xml.  Well, unless I include
>   <glob pattern="*.xml/>

It seems application/xml doesn't have a glob associated it with by
default. I've never done anything with the mime database or mime types,
so I couldn't even figure out where the mimetype for XML is supposedly
defined. However, note the following:

/usr/local/share/mime/Overrides.xml (note the redefinition for
application/xml, also note the sub-class-of which doesn't really matter
in this case but I guess it's good to do anwyays):

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<mime-info xmlns="";>
	<mime-type type="application/xml">
	  <sub-class-of type="text/plain"/>
	  <glob pattern="*.xml"/>
	<mime-type type="application/x-spml-spm">
	  <sub-class-of type="application/xml"/>
	  <comment>SPML data</comment>
	  <glob pattern="*.xml"/>
	  <magic priority="80">
	    <match type="string" offset="0" value="&lt;?xml">
	      <match type="string" offset="20:60" value="&lt;SPML"/>

sudo update-mime-database /usr/local/share/mime/

Then with an spml-xml-file.xml with content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

$ gvfs-info normal-xml-file.xml spml-xml-file.xml | grep type
type: regular
  standard::type: 1
  standard::content-type: application/xml
  standard::fast-content-type: application/xml
type: regular
  standard::type: 1
  standard::content-type: application/x-spml-spm
  standard::fast-content-type: application/xml


Best regards,


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