Nautilus search display file directory

Hello to all!!
this is my first post in this list....

Is possible to add a column that display the file directory in nautilus search in column view???

when I search a file I want to see where the search has founded it!!!!

I have wrote a small python plugin (my first) that made this (attachment) is not beauty but works.

I have searched in the nautilus 2.23.90 source file directory and I have found that
the column types are defined in


but I haven't found where the file attribute are defined (and if is defined a "path" attribute)

another problem is that with my plugin I have to add the column every time that I search....
there is a manner to remember the column preferences in search (and in standard column view??)

so for example if I add the column MIME type in column view nautilus remember this selection.

I'm a semi-newbie, I cannot program this by myself!!!
(nautilus code is huge!!)

Best Regards

Nicola Lunghi

import os, os.path
import urllib

import nautilus

class ColumnExtension(nautilus.ColumnProvider, nautilus.InfoProvider):
    def __init__(self):
    def get_columns(self):
        return nautilus.Column("NautilusPython::cartella_column",
                               "Get the file directory"),

    def update_file_info(self, file):
        if file.get_uri_scheme() != 'file':
        filename = urllib.unquote(file.get_uri()[7:])
        file.add_string_attribute('cartella', os.path.dirname(filename))

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