Re: adding new extension

On Thu, 2007-03-22 at 11:47 +0530, Madhan Ponnusamy wrote:
> Hi,
> i had added a new extension to mime named .edu by creating xml file
> and placed it in <mime>/packages..update-mime
> -database command added a the extension by creating files named
> edu.xml in application folder and added a line in globs... 
> my doubt is i had created a application to open .edu file, how to make
> that  application the default application for .edu extension. i.e) if
> i double click the .edu files it should open in the application which
> i created

The application that handles the mimetype should list the mimetype in
the MimeTypes key in its desktop file.
 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's a benighted Jewish househusband who knows the secret of the alien 
invasion. She's a chain-smoking Bolivian former first lady with an incredible 
destiny. They fight crime! 

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