Re: How nautilus manage drive icons

Le lundi 08 mai 2006 à 20:44 +0200, Christian Neumair a écrit :
> Am Sonntag, den 07.05.2006, 14:52 +0200 schrieb Xavier Claessens:
> > Here are some examples of buggy drive/volume management in nautilus:
> > 
> >  - Open nautilus to computer:/// and DnD the cdrom icon to gnome-panel.
> > An icon appear (great !) but when clicking on it an error appear, it
> > can't open nautilus to browse the cdrom. If we unmount the cdrom the
> > icon on gnome-panel isn't refreshed. In fact it creates a launcher on
> > the panel with no command to run when activated.
> > 
> >  - Do the same thing with the cdrom's icon on the desktop, the panel
> > seems to accept the drop (mouse pointer as the "+" icon) but when I drop
> > it nothing happens, no icon. Maybe better than a broken icon, but the
> > problem is that for the user it should be the same if the icon come from
> > computer:/// or from the desktop.
> > 
> >  - Drag a volume icon from computer:/// and drop it your home folder. An
> > icon is added with the (readonly symbol). clicking on it opens the
> > volume (great !!!), right click on it shows volumes options like unmount
> > (great !!) but when I unmount the volume from computer:/// the icon on
> > my home isn't updated, even if I refresh the folder in nautilus.
> > 
> >  - Do the same thing from the desktop and drop it to your home, nothin
> > happens, but the mouse's pointer seems to say that you can move the icon
> > to your home.
> > 
> >  - I can right-click->copy a volume in computer:/// but not in desktop.
> > 
> > To solve those bugs we should have a common way to manage volumes/drives
> > icons in nautilus and in GNOME. I really don't know how to fix that but
> > it have to be discussed, I think.
> Thanks for bringing this up Xavier! Most of these issues were reported
> multiple times, so it is a clear annoyance for our users.
> It is important to realize that volumes and drives are present both as
> GnomeVFSVolumes/GnomeVFSDrives in the GnomeVFSVolumeMonitor, and as
> files in the VFS and in Nautilus. The file representations by the VFS
> are in computer:///, and they are created on the fly. They are used by
> Nautilus, and they map to a desktop icon file, and can be dragged to the
> panel.
> The representations created by Nautilus are in x-nautilus-desktop:///
> (cf. libnautilus-private/nautilus-desktop-link.[ch]), and they don't
> refer to file entities, but Nautilus knows that they refer to volumes
> because the nautilus_file_set_volume API was used.
> >From a user POV, the volumes and the file representations are identical,
> while technically they are not, so we have to find a way for dealing
> with their DND that is not bound to files.
> Let me put together an idea, I'm not sure how feasible it is:
> Nautilus offers a "gnome-vfs-volume-list" drag target if some of its
> files that are dragged are volumes, the format is
> volumeid1
> source_uri1
> ...
> volumeidN
> source_uriN
> ("\n" would have to be escaped to "\\n" in the strings)
> each of these refers to a volume that can be obtained using 
> gnome_vfs_volume_monitor_get_drive_by_id, each of the (possibly empty)
> source URIs may specify an URI, to allow the drop target to filter out
> the respective item from the "text/uri-list" target when processing
> non-volume drop items. Note that we can offer a similar drop target for
> drives.
> The panel would recognize this target, and create a special item is
> associated with a particular drive or volume ID, and that represents the
> volume and is kept in sync. Maybe this can also be integrated with the
> disk mounter.
> I'm not sure about dragging volumes and drives to file systems. We could
> create special objects explicitly referring to a volume, but I don't
> think this is really useful. Maybe we should operate on the dragged
> volume's activation URI if it was dragged to a location other than
> computer:/// or desktop:///.

I think file representation is more usable. As I understand nautilus
generate .drive files on-the-fly to populate computer:///. Those files
are simple text file that looks like .desktop and seems to be supported
for most applications. gnome-panel accept .drive files and says it is a
launcher of type "FSDevice". So it should be possible to make it work,
just a matter of bug fixing in gnome-panel to make it start nautilus
when clicking that kind of launcher. gnome-panel adds a .desktop file in
~/.gnome2/panel2.d/default/launchers for the drive launcher when I do
DnD from computer:/// This file looks like that:

[Desktop Entry]

So all information needed are there. good point ! I'll try to patch
gnome-panel to make it work with that kind of desktop file. That isn't
trivial because it need to connect some signals to know when the drive
is (un)mounted and refresh the icon. But doable I think...

For volume icons from the desktop, is it possible to make it work like
in computer:/// ? nautilus should generate on-the-fly same .drive files.
Like that we are sure that at least icons from desktop and from
computer:/// react the same way.

Last problem: what about dropping a volume icon in a folder ? For now it
works. If I drop in my home directory the same icon that I did for the
panel, I get this file in /home/zdra :

-r--r--r--  1 zdra zdra    119 1970-01-01 01:00

containing :

[Desktop Entry]

So that's the same desktop file I have for gnome-panel. Just a little
patch to make this file writable by the user ? And another patch to make
nautilus refresh automatically desktop files displayed in a nautilus
window, that's maybe not easy and I think most of the work can be shared
with gnome-panel (which should also refresh this file like said before).

am I missing something ? I think that can be implemented but maybe not
always easy, I didn't looked to the code yet, I'll try to make some
patches if I've time and if I receive good feedback from you all :-)

I'm waiting for comments and maybe better suggestions. I'm not a
nautilus expert at all so I can be missing something...

Xavier Claessens.

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