Re: launch nautilus

Nelson Benítez wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just compiled nautilus-2.13.3 , but when launching src/nautilus it
> opens my system-wide nautilus (2.12.2) instead of the compiled one, I
> badly remember a message about an env variable to control this
> situation, does anybody know how to do it ?

Well I took the chance and upgrade my system-wide nautilus,eel and
gnome-vfs to 2.13.3 but still when launching nautilus from the build
tree it starts well but returns control to the console so I can't printf
debug, and the nautilus that got started is not from the build tree but
from system-wide because a 'ps -ed | grep nautilus' shows only 1
process. I tried with env vars NAUTILUS_DEBUG and unseting the
SESSION_MANAGER but with same results.

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