Nautilus-actions, Nautilus-scripts and Nautilus Extensions

While I really love the ability to extend nautilus using extensions and scripts, I think some unification/consistancy love is needed in this area. For example (not bashing nautilus actions[1], which I love) I have been thinking about ways to unite installation and configuration of nautilus extensions, nautilus scripts and the nautilus-actions extension (phew what a mouthful).
I am prepared to implement these suggestions I would like peoples feedback on what is the better approach. I have two current ideas.
Option 1)
Add an additional tab in the Nautilus preferencs. This tab contains a listbox listing the installed nautilus extensions AND scripts (but making no visual distinction between the two). Each extension/script can be enabled via a checkbox. There is also Add, Remove, and Configure buttons.
The configure button is enabled for all extensions that implement the (new) NautilusConfigureExtension interface and provides a way to prevent nautilus extensions needing their own seperate configuration tool like nautilus-actions currenlty does.
The Add and Remove buttons allow better discoverability of the extensions(and scripts) functionality to users and provide a simple way to install and remove scripts and extensions.
Option 2)
Create a NautilusPreferencePage interface to allow individual nautilus extensions to host their configuration pages in the nautlus preferences dialog.
What are peoples thoughts on this? I will create some visual mockups based upon feeback if you like.

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