Re: script to set custom icons and emblems

On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 21:46:16 +0200, Christian Neumair wrote:

> Am Mittwoch, den 14.09.2005, 12:06 -0700 schrieb Marius Scurtescu:
>> Is there a script that allows you to set custom icons and emblems to files?
> No. What you want is rather a more intuitive emblem UI. Apple has done
> an amazing job on that - you can assign colors using the context menu. I
> remember some cool mockups on the usability mailing list for Project
> Topaz (GNOME 3.0) which had a tagging support, allowing you to mark
> particular files/tasks/entities as "Important" and so on using the
> panel. Basically the same as Apple provides today, just more
> intuitive/obvious and abstract, i.e. not restricted to files.

I see what you mean, but I am not looking for a UI, I am looking for a
script to automate things.

>> I was thinking about a script that automatically sets emblems on
>> subversion controlled files for example.
> You'll have to use libnautilus-extension. There is
> nautilus_file_info_add_emblem. nautilus-vcs [1] obviously uses this API,
> although only for CVS pursposes. There are some plans to add SVN support
> [2], though. Feel free to contact Raffaele and/or join the crew. We are
> desperately looking for new contributors. Get involved, NOW! :)
> [1] [2]

Any suggestions how can you install/use nautilus-vcs?


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