Re: [PATCH] Add "Properties" to background context menu

Il giorno lun, 02/05/2005 alle 20.26 +0200, Christian Neumair ha
> The attached patch adds a "Properties" item to the background context
> menu.

It seems that the "Properties" menu entry is added to Desktop menu too,
but the dialog you can open from here lists the properties of
"x-nautilus-desktop". See the attached screenshot (in Italian, sorry...)

It's a sub-optimal behavior, not good for users. Alternatively:
     A. remove the "Properties" menu entry from the Desktop menu, or
     B. lists properties of the 'real' folder pointed by Desktop ($HOME
        or $HOME/Desktop

IMHO the A option is the best, I don't think users need to change
Desktop properties (i.e. change icon, set emblems, change

Do I've to open a bug?

Attachment: pngXa6RAAIdVj.png
Description: PNG image

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