[PATCH] Change "Create" to "New" for "Create Folder/Launcher/Document"

From bug 131793 [1]:

"Windows and Mac both use New. First, they each have a dedicated team of
UI designers. Second, most computers run either Windows or Mac. I
suggest using New for these two reasons.".

Proposed patch attached (requires string change announcement at commit

Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org>
Index: src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/nautilus/src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c,v
retrieving revision 1.701
diff -u -p -r1.701 fm-directory-view.c
--- src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c	11 Jul 2005 10:07:53 -0000	1.701
+++ src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c	20 Jul 2005 15:39:31 -0000
@@ -6097,7 +6097,7 @@ fm_directory_view_init_show_hidden_files
 static const GtkActionEntry directory_view_entries[] = {
-  { "New Documents", NULL, N_("Create _Document") },               /* name, stock id, label */
+  { "New Documents", NULL, N_("New _Document") },               /* name, stock id, label */
   { "Open With", NULL, N_("Open Wit_h"),               /* name, stock id, label */
     NULL, N_("Choose a program with which to open the selected item") },
   { "Properties", GTK_STOCK_PROPERTIES,                  /* name, stock id */
@@ -6113,7 +6113,7 @@ static const GtkActionEntry directory_vi
     N_("View or modify the properties of the open folder"),                   /* tooltip */ 
     G_CALLBACK (action_self_properties_callback) },
   { "New Folder", NULL,                  /* name, stock id */
-    N_("Create _Folder"), "<control><shift>N",                /* label, accelerator */
+    N_("New _Folder"), "<control><shift>N",                /* label, accelerator */
     N_("Create a new empty folder inside this folder"),                   /* tooltip */ 
     G_CALLBACK (action_new_folder_callback) },
   { "No Templates", NULL, N_("No templates Installed") },               /* name, stock id, label */
@@ -6123,7 +6123,7 @@ static const GtkActionEntry directory_vi
     N_("Create a new empty file inside this folder"),                   /* tooltip */ 
     G_CALLBACK (action_new_empty_file_callback) },
   { "New Launcher", NULL,                  /* name, stock id */
-    N_("Create L_auncher..."), NULL,                /* label, accelerator */
+    N_("New L_auncher..."), NULL,                /* label, accelerator */
     N_("Create a new launcher"),                   /* tooltip */ 
     G_CALLBACK (action_new_launcher_callback) },
   { "Open", GTK_STOCK_OPEN,                  /* name, stock id */

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