Re: Computer Place is messed up

> Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 04:42:49 +0200
> From: Enver ALTIN <ealtin parkyeri com>
> Nautilus only shows user-mountable filesystems in
> "Computer". Easy-fix
> is to add `user` to mount options field in fstab, I
> think.
> -HTH
> -- 
> Enver ALTIN                   |       

it didn't work, actually user flag was still there.

/dev/hda6 /mnt/E vfat auto,user,umask=000,rw 0 0

is a sample line :)
also tried "users" instead of "user" as I have seen in
a couple of places altough I don't know what is the

it used to work with same fstab as I remember.
Probably some other file was updated when I deleted
the fstab file (and opened nautilus afterwards). Is
there such a file to keep a configuration for this
computer place? 


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