Re: Able to connect to other systems in network only if user is root [steve j blackwell l-3com com]

On 11/12/2004 02:43:53 PM, Zachary Wong wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I've been playing around with setting up some simple networks. Currently I have a Debian Linux (running GNOME 2.6.1) and a Windows 2003 Server running. Both machines see each other properly and for the most part, everything runs well. The one problem I am having is that I can only access the Window shares from my Linux box using smbclient or if I log in as root and run 'nautilus network:'.

If I try connect to the Windows system (via nautilus) as my own user, I get a "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "Windows Network: xyz". Since I can connect using smbclient, it seems like the problem lies somewhere in Nautilus (btw, I am running Nautilus 2.6.3). Does anyone know where I can change these permissions, or have any suggestions on how to fix this problem? I know I could just mount the share, but I rather my Linux desktop properly setup. Thanks!

Zachary Wong


I have been having the same problem for some time now. I have reported it here on the Nautilus list, on the Samba list and on the Fedora list. Check the archives. There have been no solutions offered to date.

I have just upgraded to FC3, running Nautilus 2.8.1 and the problem still exists. It would appear that our only recourse to to find a solution ourselves. I believe that it might be somewhere in gnome-vfs but I need to recompile the Nautilus source to find out. Work keeps getting in the way.


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