Re: Nautilus, metadata and extendet attributes

El vie, 30-01-2004 a las 05:02, Olaf Frączyk escribió:

> 1. You hide extension
> 2. You sniff file content, and decide what it is :)
> Again:
> Windows makes use of extensions dangerous only if the above points are
> true.

No.  The usage of extensions is dangerous, period.  The fact that the
extension is shown only helps users who already know what the extension
means.  Fortunately Unices force you to make files executable first. 
But the extension thing is bad anyway, there are other scenarios where
even if the file wasn't executable, you'd still have danger.

> If you think that I'm wrong, please explain me how.
> Regards,
> Olaf
> > -- 
> > nautilus-list mailing list
> > nautilus-list gnome org
> >
> > 
	Manuel Amador (Rudd-O)
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