Re: Some examples of sniffing usefulness

Xavier Bestel wrote:
Hi list,

first, I'm not there to troll :)

I'm very happy some measures are taken to bring speed to the otherwise
nice nautilus, but I was a bit concerned about the removal of automatic
sniffing. Well, today I stumbled on one of the cases where it's useful:
I just downloaded a big bunch of .wav files, and some of them were not
correctly fetched. Even if they were saved as *.wav, they were in fact
.html files containing some 404 error page.
There I was pretty happy to still have nautilus 2.4 and to see these
files stamped with "html" icons. Way easier to find and delete the wrong
ones !

So I would understand if some users would prefer the current (old ?)
behavior. Having wrongly-suffixed files may happen legitimately.


I have different expiriences. Opening a folder with 8,000 jpg images in nautilus takes ages, because *every* file in the folder is *opened* (although the icons have already been created) which would not be necessary if mimetype was detected by extension. So both ways have their pros and cons and i think the most important thing is that the user stays in cotrol, that is mimetype detection method should be a configurable item!


Heinrich Rebehn

University of Bremen
Physics / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Telecommunications -

Phone : +49/421/218-4664
Fax   :            -3341

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