Re: Nautilus, metadata and extendet attributes

On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 y9toi7y02 sneakemail com wrote:
> Note that neither a perfect sniffing method, the extension method or a
> perfect metadata system will fix the problem of stupid users running
> programs they received from strangers, thereby giving the strangers
> control.

You're right.  There is nothing they can do.  We need a second computer 
that acts like a Mom.  MomGnome will watch over User, and make sure 
that he not only doesn't take presents from strangers, but makes sure that 
said strangers do not take candy from user.  

I can bet that the chance of you guys solving this problem is about as 
much as solving world hunger.  So, lets move on and instead of looking for 
the Holy Grail of metadata that we instead write a nice proposal 
like we SHOULD BE DOING per rules and then everybody can look it over 
nicely like good little GNOMEs and then take a vote.



ps Vicious did not help me write this.

pps I love you guys, dearly.

ppps No..really.  I do! :)

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