Re: a hidden idea

On Fri, 2004-08-13 at 15:15 -0400, Kevin C. Krinke wrote:
> I'd like to suggest an idea I had regarding working with .hidden files.
> Simply put, there should be a hidden:/// vfs module.
> Example usage:
> Task: I need to hide the file XYZ in a user's home directory
> 1) In one nautilus window go to hidden:///home/user
> 2) In another window go to the directory /home/user
> 3) Drag the file XYZ from the real one into the hidden one

I think having a button to toggle the display of hidden files is far
more practical, easier to add and easier to discover.  I image most
users would look in the View menu to toggle the display of hidden files.

Hidden belongs as a file attribute.  The implementation will vary
though.  Dot files are hidden by default.  Many tools hide backup files.
Nautilus supports the hidden list that was used by NeXT.  Only the
hidden list doesn't change the file's name, so only that would be used
to arbitrarily hide a file.

__C U R T I S  C.  H O V E Y____________________
sinzui cox net
Guilty of stealing everything I am.

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