Nautilus Snacks

Lately we've been putting together a list of not-quite-bite-size hacks
for people to do on nautilus.  These are tasks which will take a decent
amount of work, but will make a nice impact on the desktop.  Each task
has a list of places to look for information about the hack.

If you want to contribute to nautilus, this could be a good place
to start.  Look through the list, read the relevant code and documents,
and see if it's something you think you want to handle.  If you think
you have a pretty good idea of how to go about implementing it, let us
know and we'll help you through the process.

This shouldn't prevent people from coming up with their own ideas, of
course :)

The list is supposed to be here:

Last time I checked the site hadn't updated yet.  If it isn't there, the
list is available here until it's ready:



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