Re: Nautilus 2.6 - We're going all spatial

Jens Knutson wrote:
On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 02:27, Eugenia Loli-Queru wrote:

2) Almost anybody who's noisy is an enthusiast. You are assuming just
because 1000 people complained this indicates that pretty much all your
population loves navigation model.

When this complain was happening (1999-2000), BeOS was in its hey day: it
had more than 150,000 users. Sure, it is not many compared to OSX's 7
millions of users, but it is a good and _clear_ sample of what the majority

No, it's what a sample of what the majority of *vocal* users wanted.  I
think you're greatly over-estimating the number of users who participate
in forums and email lists vs. the total number of users for a given
desktop.  Again, see Seth's bit about "self-selection bias" - just
because a user has an opinion about a piece of software doesn't mean
you'll ever hear from that user.  Most computer users have no idea how
to complain about or praise the software they use, and even if they did,
they probably wouldn't know who to talk to!  Thus, it is really only
fair to say "BeOS's *enthusiasts* hated this." and not "the majority of
BeOS's *entire userbase* hated this."

OTOH, when a user is complaining or asking for a feature, there are an n
number that share his opinions but didn't have the time, inclination or
whatever to make them known to the public. This is a common assumption
when a magazine, for instance, receives a certain number of letters on a
given subject, they are considered representative of a much larger
number of readers.

So, what can be said for sure is that a non negligible part of BeOS
users weren't satisfied with the current version of the Tracker. I don't
see the point in trying to distinguish "enthusiasts" from "entire
userbase": a user is a user, and if a large percentage of users isn't
satisfied with your product you *should* take that into account (unless,
of course, you're writing your software for your pleasure only, in the
which case reaching a 100% satisfaction is quite easy).



Roberto Rosselli Del Turco	roberto.rossellidelturco at
Dipartimento di Scienze		rosselli at
del Linguaggio			Then spoke the thunder	DA
Universita' di Torino		Datta: what have we given?  (TSE)

  Hige sceal the heardra,     heorte the cenre,
  mod sceal the mare,       the ure maegen litlath.  (Maldon 312-3)

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