Re: nautilus 2.2.1 (gnome 2.2.0; rh9) theme change - how/where?

On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 22:52, mike wrote: 
> I've searched/posted on Usenet for two weeeks now, checked recent
> nautilus archives, took a stab at bugzilla and still have no idea how to
> fix my problem.
> Nautilus help says I can change its themes.  Opening "File Management
> Preferences", help says I'll find an "appearance" panel from which I can
> change nautilus themes.  I find no "appearance" dialog anywhere within
> nautilus (or anywhere else to change nautilus themes).  Using
> nautilus-file-management-properties I find four tabs, none with any
> mention/indication of changing the theme: "Views", "Behavior", "Icon
> Captions", and "Preview".  
> I d/l a couple late-2002 nautilus themes (not just icons) from art.gnome
> (no one replied to my mail asking the same thing I'm asking here) and no
> matter where I put them (~/.themes, ~/.icons, /usr/share/themes,
> /usr/share/nautilus, /usr/share/pixmaps/nautilus with the Bluecurve dir)
> tar'd or not, I find no way to inform nautilus to use something other
> than Bluecurve.  gnome-theme-manager doesn't list them (in the first
> panel or anywhere under "Details...").  
> Before I start flailing about by trying newer revs of nautilus can
> someone tell me how to (or if) I can change themes for nautilus
> 2.2.1/gnome 2.2.0/rh9?

I'm afraid you're reading some out-dated Nautilus documentation. As of
Gnome 2, Nautilus no longer has its own themes. It now uses icon themes,
which can be used by other programs as well (and, IIRC, are also used by
KDE).  Icon themes are under "Icon" on  They should be
installed in /usr/share/icons (well, {$prefix}/share/icons), or under
your home directory in ~/.icons.  To select a Nautilus theme, use the
Gnome Theme Preferences.  You'll need to click 'Details' and go to the
'Icons' tab to select just an icon theme.


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