Better PDF/PS/Dia thumbnailers

Hi all,

Since I have a large collection of PostScript and PDF files I found the
thumbnailers posted (by Keith Conger?) very useful, but not fast enough.
So I have modified them to improve both quality and speed. When
installed these new scripts provide nice 128x128 thumbnails for:
 - PDF files
 - PostScript files
 - Dia diagrams

They are essentially wrapper scripts around varying combinations of
Ghostscript, ImageMagick's convert program, and Dia.

 - Fast generation of thumbnails on poorly-written Postscript.
   Only renders the first page using GhostScript, piping the result to
   ImageMagick which then scales it to generate the thumbnail.
 - Uses if statements to try and find the best tool for the job.
 - Robust handling of strange filenames (spaces, hypens, etc.)

 - Go ahead, butcher it, copy it, rename it, change the author.
   I just hope it makes it into Gnome. :)

Latest version available from:

Peter Harvey <pharvey uow edu au>

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