Re: [patch] raise existing windows when opening a url from the command line and in open in new window mode

We don't really have any sort of mapping between windows and directories
in "browser mode", so it probably wouldn't make much sense to add one in
a few places.


On Wed, 2003-06-25 at 16:38, Mark Finlay wrote:
> > This patch has no affect on browser mode. 
> Would this also be useful to have in browser mode when opening something
> from the desktop? In this circumstance a new window has to be opened and
> if that folder is already open somewhere then it makes sense to use the
> already opened nautilus I think.
> Also, what about when you select "Open in New Window" in browser mode?
> I'm not saying it should be, just asking..
> -- 
> Mark Finlay <sisob eircom net>

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