Re: Nautilus desktop icons and metacity

Ali Akcaagac wrote:

On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 09:03, Roberto Rosselli Del Turco wrote:
You forgot to mention Trash (which I would prefer on the panel
as well).
Please, no! You wouldn't believe how crowded is my panel already

I agree, the Trashcan shouldn't belong on the Panel. It's good where it
is now. Just wanted to reply to back you.

Why not?

It's useless on my desktop when an app is maximized or my desktop is otherwise obscured.

I think I should be able to drag it onto my panel like I can any other desktop 'launcher'. Mac users deletes stuff by dragging onto the trash can, I imagine they'd love to have it visible all the time!

You can make your panel bigger:-)

OK, atleast that got a reaction. Nobody commented on my main proposal to put cdrom/floppy/hotplug device icons in the system tray?

Respectfully yours,

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