Re: Feature Request: Nautilus - Terminal Prompt Collaboration

On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 12:00:45AM -0600, Ryan McDougall wrote: 
> Proposal: A menu accessible Gnome Termnial embeded in Nautilus. At the
> click of a button a Gnome Terminal either descends from bottom of the
> Nautilus window, splits the right side view pane ( top/bottom ) in two,
> or consumes the entire view pane. This would be more than "new term
> here", the Terminal should be able directly interact with Nautilus via
> Drag-Drop manipulations, respond to the Tree SideBar navigation, contain
> the standard in/out/err files for a app launched from Nautilus, and
> ideally Terminal could make use of the Nautilus MIME or VFS
> capabilities.

Note that the process you're really interacting with here is bash (the
shell), not gnome-terminal or vte.

I'm not saying you can't do it, just that from an implementation
standpoint this is the problem to solve. The terminal-display portion
is trivial.

I think it would be better, if possible, to have a defined way to talk
to bash (some IPC protocol or something) rather than assuming the user
is at a shell prompt and having the file manager type in commands.

Either way, the code will be specific to a particular shell.

It seems like the big improvement that would help a lot for using
nautilus in place of the shell would be better support for modifying
multiple files at once, e.g. chmod on a block of files.  Lots of
people mention this issue.

Also, I always end up using the shell if running as root.  Some
thinking through of a way to let users run nautilus as root, including
ensuring that nautilus doesn't write harmful stuff all over the
filesystem, would probably be another big win.


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