Re: My humble opinions about Nautilus interface


i am already working on a new tree ;-) - search for multi rooted tree

> 2. Everything that Nautilus can access (filesystem, configuration, 
> cameras, rpms, fonts, network, etc.) should be able to be accessed in an 
> usable way from the Tree;
was discussed already - everything would only  confuse most user's. We
are going to make it configurable what get displayed.

> 3. The Tree selection should follow the user as he/she navigates through 
> folders, machines, etc.;
don't know if this is a good idea. But should get discussed.

> 4. Right-clicking on a Tree item should bring up the same pop-up menu as 
> when clicking on the Icon View;
Yeah - i am already looking for how i can make this (if someone cold point me to the right direction - i would be happy)

> 5. More Tree: when a folder does not have any subfolder, its arrow 
> should not be visible. This means that Nautilus should scan for 
> subfolders each folder which is expanded in the tree. (In 2.0.6, it 
> always shows the arrow and, when there are no subfolders, an "(Empty)" 
> subitem is shown);
thats true

> 6. Even more Tree: Tree items should behave exactly like Icon View 
> items, so emblems, custom icons and context menus would work the same 
> way. I think this envolves (a lot of) code sharing between the icon view 
> and the Tree.
ahh - i think something like this will cause heavy overload.


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