Re: Trash Can


Please take a look at this bug report.


--- Donald Henson <wepin wepin com> wrote:
> (SuSE 9.0 Pro, Gnome 2.2.2, Nautilus 2.2.4)
> When I try to open the Trash by clicking on the Trash icon either on the
> Gnome desktop or in a Nautilus window, I get the error:
> "The Media view encountered an error while starting up."
> I've searched the SuSE Help Center. There are several references to
> putting things into the trash but nothing about retrieving anything nor
> can I find any entries specifically about trash operations.
> First, does anyone know what that error message means?
> Second, should I be able to open the trash and perhaps restore something
> I've thrown in the trash? This is the way I would expect it to work but
> just to be sure.
> Last, does anyone know how to restore the trash can so that it works
> properly?
> Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.
> Don Henson
> -- 
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> nautilus-list gnome org

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