Re: Device names with space do not show up on the desktop

Hi Mark

Thanks for the response.
I have filed two bug reports and here they are :

128622 maj Nor nautilus-maint bugzilla gnome org NEW Device names with spaces do not show up on the desktop

128625 nor Nor nautilus-maint bugzilla gnome org NEW Incorrect grouping and sorting of pluggable devices


Mark Finlay wrote:
Vivek, everyone is mad busy and this seems to have slipped through,
please file a bug so that it doesnt get forgotten.


On Thu, 2003-12-04 at 08:42, Vivek Bhanuprakash wrote:


I wanted the device names shown in the desktop to have spaces. So, I
changed /etc/fstab to include spaces for the mount points.

e.g. (dummy example)
/dev/cdroms/cdrom0 /mnt/DVD\040Drive type supermount
/dev/cdroms/cdrom1 /mnt/CD\040Writer type supermount

Also, I created the appropriate entries under /mnt

e.g. mkdir "/mnt/CD Writer"
mkdir "/mnt/DVD Drive"

After restarting the computer, I can see that the drives have been
mounted correctly by running the 'mount' command.

But, when I log on into Gnome, the desktop does not show any of above

If I launch Nautilus File Manager and change the left pane to show the
directory tree, the device names are shown correctly with spaces.

To see if spaces where causing the problem, I changed the fstab entries
to remove the spaces and also changed the appropriate entries under /mnt
to have no spaces. Restarting and logging on into Gnome, now shows the
above devices without spaces on the desktop.

Is this a bug or do I need to change some setting somewhere to see
device names with spaces on the Gnome desktop ?

Thank you

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