Re: shift=and-close-the-current-folder?

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On Mon, 08 Dec 2003 14:21:59 +0000
Calum Benson <Calum Benson Sun COM> wrote:

> On Sat, 2003-12-06 at 15:45, Murray Cumming Comneon com wrote:
> My hunch is that most people who are going to use a file manager are
> likely to be using it with a mouse[1] (since keyboard-based file
> management is often easier in a terminal, for those who know how),

I might add here that the inclusion of a commander- style filemanager
(gnome-commander)  this is reverse.  Filemanagement with such handlers
are more prone to use the keyboard than the mouse, Which is why the
dual-pane interface in them works "really well" .

> whereas most people who switch workspaces are likely to do so with the
> keyboard (since switching with the mouse requires a pretty large and
> intrusive gesture, by default).  That might suggest we should reserve
> the more optimal keyboard shortcuts for workspace switching, but with
> no knowledge of the proportions of our overall user population who use
> file managers and workspace switchers at all, even that's just
> guesswork :/

True here, but this is one area where Gnome overall must improve. There 
is very little in gnome to tell a user that ctrl+alt+left/right/up/down
will change workspace.  And its not an intuitive command to "try".  (but
this is digressing from the list's purpouse )

   Armchair everything

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