Re: What about these (old/annoying) bugs ?

On Mon, 2003-12-01 at 11:04, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> * Desktop:
> - DND a dir from a read only dir/media to the Desktop should be
>   associated to copy, not move
>   bug: 119467, 80694

I looked into this one, and it seems there is currently no easy way to
determine if a file resides on a read-only filesystem.
At the moment all DnD operations with the desktop as target default to
move. DnD between "real" dirs check if the files live on the same fs -
if they do, the action defaults to move, copy if they don't.
The same_fs() check isn't applicable for the desktop at the moment as it
represented by a "special/symbolic" uri, for which this check isn't
defined. I'm not sure if it should be.
It would be nice if the action for files which aren't writeable by the
user never defaults to move as it is guarantied to fail. So it should
probably be tested if the dragged files (or the first one of them and/or
their parent directory) is write/delete-able for the user, and adjust
the action accordingly. Unfortunately this test needs to be really
tight, as it is called on every mouse movement while a drag is in
progress to adjust the mouse pointer accordingly.


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