Re: Nautilus Burn

On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 07:21, Ezekiel Smigel wrote:

> I'm trying to get the Nautilus Burn utility working.  After I add the
> file(s) to be burned to burn:/// in the file manager, and then i open
> the dialog to write the files to the cd recorder, I don't see my cd
> recorder listed.  It will only let me write an iso to 


I've never tried nautilus-cd-burner before, and decided to try it out to
see if it works. Well, it does not. I get the same symptom Ezekiel
describes above, but for different reasons.

I run nautilus-cd-burner 0.5.0 in nautilus 2.3.8, compiled from garnome
(hacking-0.26.0) on Debian Woody (plus some backports).

I can, as Ezekiel, burn as user with all other methods I ever tried
(basically cdrecord and cdrdao + various GUIs).

The cause for me seems to be that user mario is not in group uucp.
Hoever, this was neer needed for any other burning software. Is there
something wrong here or with n-cd-b? There are bugs filed in the Debian
bts ( and ), but it does
not seem to me that they deal with the same cause unreadable

mario sonic: ~ $ nautilus-cd-burner &
[1] 6467
mario sonic: ~ $
** (process:6467): WARNING **: Couldn't read /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info
[1]+  Done                    nautilus-cd-burner
mario sonic: ~ $ ls -l /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info
ls: /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info: Permission denied
mario sonic: ~ $ ls -l /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/
ls: /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/: Permission denied
mario sonic: ~ $ ls -l /proc/sys/dev/
ls: /proc/sys/dev/: Permission denied
mario sonic: ~ $ ls -l /proc/sys/
ls: /proc/sys/: Permission denied
mario sonic: ~ $ ls -ld /proc/sys/
dr-xr-x---   12 root     uucp            0 Aug 28 14:00 /proc/sys/
mario sonic: ~ $

mario sonic: ~ $ cat /proc/scsi/sg/device_strs
HL-DT-ST        CD-ROM GCR-8520B        1.00
PHILIPS         PCRW1208                 1.2
UMAX            Astra 1220S             V1.3
mario sonic: ~ $ ls -l /proc/scsi/sg/device_strs
-r--r--r--    1 root     uucp            0 Aug 28 14:02
mario sonic: ~ $ 

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