> Well, it took me a bit longer than I said in my previous email to > test it out, but I finally found some time to play around with it. > > I built a simple VFS module to test everything out, and pointed > this environment variable to the location of the shared library, > but wasn't able to see any response from Nautilus about the > library being loaded. > > I followed the developer docs for building a VFS module at > gnome.org, but perhaps I did something wrong. > > I created a shared library called libmc.so, had it in a directory > pointed to by the above env variable, and tried to load it by entering > mc:// in the Nautilus uri textbox. Nautilus told me that mc:// > wasn't a valid location. Did you also install the corresponding config file ? (see /etc/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/default-modules.conf for example) > What's not clear to me is when the module should actually be > loaded. Is this done when Nautilus starts up ? or when the request > for mc:// is done ? or is it done at some other time ? Iirc it's loaded when the request for mc:// is done > > Is there a way I can query Nautilus to give me a list of loaded > modules ? > I think you shouldn't fight with nautilus right now, but first try with the various tests which come with gnome-vfs source (or even write your own ones), or at least launch nautilus from a console to be able to get debugging output from your module there (to do that, you need to use the session manager present in gnome advanced preferences and kill nautilus from there). Once your method is correctly loaded, keep in mind that for nautilus to recognize it, you need to implement a minimum set of methods (I don't remember what they are, I'd be interested in such a list if you can write one during your development :p) Hope that helps, Christophe
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