Re: Nautilus user feedback

> > Nautilus has a pretty stupid idea about file typing. For example, it
> > thinks (the Italian readme) on the redhat CD is a music
> > file.
> 	Perhaps the broken mp3 sniffer - if mp3 files had a magic type it'd
> significantly help people I guess.

Nope, .it files are a module file format from the nineties, and we've
got that in gnome-vfs.mime:
	ext: it IT
so that's not surprising is detected as a music file :p
Looking at this file format spec from it seems that it can be sniffed
(the charset of the doc is bad so maybe I misread it) instead of being
detected by extension. Btw, according to the code, gnome-vfs does case
insensitive matches on file extensions, so maybe gnome-vfs.mime could be
cleaned up a little ?


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