Re: Way to go bug team...

<quote who="Vadim Plessky"/>

> I am curious: do you think that Nautilus is ready for "prime time" now?

Definitely. The 2.0.x releases ROCK!

> What about its dependency on Galeon (Galeon2) for web surfing?

Personal opinion: Nautilus is a file manager, I don't use it for browsing
the web, and very rarely want to.

> Do you think that Galeon is *different* product (and its bugs should not be 
> counted), or Nautilus+Galeon is *integrated solution*?

Galeon is a complete web browser. Nautilus is a file manager. These are
different things. :-)

- Jeff

   "(Hint: IRC clients don't usually do DVD and VCD playback)." - Bastien   

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