Re: toolbar issues

On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 11:06, David Emory Watson wrote:
> > Theme writers should theme toolbars at the gtk level ( i would love to
> > see gorilla gtk theme, probably would be rad). Fixing this, will force
> > both nautilus and gtk theme writers to write better themes anyway. 

It is my understanding that if a gtk theme doesn't provide a stock icon
the default is used, so if gtk theme authors want to change the toolbar
icons only they can do that by adding pngs for whatever stock icons they
want to theme..

My central argument is that gtk themes are where stock icons should be
set not in nautilus themes. Since it is conceivable that a new gtk theme
will include stock icons but a nautilus theme will conflict with it, the
question than becomes which ones to use, do we use the gtk ones set by
the gtk theme, or the nautilus ones. Both themes were chosen by the
user. Basically an inconsistancy is created in the overall gnome ui.

> And no that should not mean that they have to redo every stock icon! 
> They should only need to change the way that the current nautilus icons
> are themed.
> > I really don't understand what is so special about nautilus that it
> > should even have it's own theming mechanism, but that's another
> > discussion.

This is a discussion i really don't want to get into right now, as it
may explode and well we all have better things to do now than argue
about as it's not relevant to gnome2 nautilus.

> There are parts of nautilus which require a special theming mechanism
> (sidebar backgrounds, icon view background, etc.)
> Oh and nautilus is *very* special!  :)
> > dave
> > 

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