[Nautilus-list] Re: "merging" theme "engines"

On 3/5/02 2:00 PM, "David Emory Watson" <dwatson cs ucr edu> wrote:

> This only fixes part of the problem though.  For example, theres
> currently a bug in bugzilla about allowing Evolution to use the same
> icons that Nautilus uses for files.  Wouldn't it be possible to extend
> nautilus and gtk so that themes could override the stock icons/mime
> icons/etc.?

Maybe. I don't know how gtk themes work; whether there's an open ended place
in gtk themes to put things like file type icons. If there is, then there's
no reason we couldn't theme file icons as part of the gtk theme. On the
other hand, we might lose some features since gtk's stock icons don't
include, for example, .svg icons.

There was another issue in Gnome 1, because Evolution had no way to get the
icons for various file types, since they were all in Nautilus. This has been
resolved for Gnome 2 with the gnome-mime-data package. But this doesn't
resolve the theming issue.

So we have:

    1) not theming toolbar icons in Nautilus themes
    2) extending gtk themes so they can include file type icons and we can
remove icons from Nautilus themes
    3) factoring the remainder of a Nautilus theme out into something that
can be part of a gtk theme

I don't see anything wrong with someone who wanted to tackle some of these.
It seems to me that #1 can be done for the Gnome 2.0 release, but I don't
see a clear road to doing the other parts any time soon. In any case, the
people you most need to convince are the gtk maintainers, I think, not the
nautilus maintainers.

    -- Darin

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