Re: PATCH for some random stuff.

Well we are getting into a bigger issue here. Basically I see the only
real solution being windows style automatic layout, so that users can
rearrange icons while keeping them in tight grids. However given the
current ui, this dialog makes my daily work a major pain.


"Alerts are distinct from dialogs in that they are not directly
requested by the user. As they are an unwelcome intrusion into the
user's work, they should be avoided."

I'd say this alert, more than any alert in all of gnome, violates this


On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 15:35, Dave Camp wrote:

> Yeah, this dialog can be pretty annoying, but I wonder if someone put it
> there for a good reason.  Were users having trouble finding a way to
> switch to manual layout?  Were they getting confused when they would
> drag an icon to an empty space and it would snap back?
> -- 
> Dave Camp <dave ximian com>

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