Re: Location of Desktop Preferences menu (was Reducing the number of special uris in gnome)

On Wed, 2002-07-03 at 12:16, Gregory Merchan wrote:
    On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 10:14:03AM -0400, Bruce Robert Pocock wrote:
    > This is stolen from some program I once saw on OS/2, in the pre-Warp
    > days...
    These are known as conditional cascading menus. There is an RFE of Gtk+ to
    support these and also the MacOS -um- folder menu item. (I'm not sure what
    it's called.)
    The RFE:
    A description linked to in the RFE:
    (The index of the parent directory is the same thing.)
    A conditional cascading menu would be inapproriate here because it is
    supposed to be used when one of the items on the submenu is the default
    among the others which are options. The MacOS thing would be correct here.
    (I'm speaking of the appropriate use of these widgets, not whether using
     them is appropriate.)
Thank you, yes, the old MacOS behaviour was almost exactly what I was
trying to describe - like the System 7 "Control Panel" vs. "Control
Panel/<cdev-name>," except the submenu was pulled open conditionally :-)

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