Re: [Nautilus-list] Nautilus for Gnome 2 status report

On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 09:54:51PM -0800, Darin Adler wrote:
> On 1/3/02 6:27 PM, "John Fleck" <jfleck inkstain net> wrote:
> > Should there be a 2.0 milestone created to handle these must fix GNOME
> > 2 bugs?
> My fault for making this confusing. The "1.1.x" milestone is supposed to be
> the "2.0" milestone. Maybe we should talk over the best names for
> milestones. I can think of a few categories of bugs:
>     a) must fix as soon as possible for both Gnome 1 and Gnome 2 nautilus
>     b) must fix soon, but applies only to Gnome 1 nautilus
>     c) must fix soon, but only plan to do it for Gnome 2 nautilus
>     d) possibility for Gnome 2 nautilus
>     e) not planned to work on it any time soon
> At the moment, categories (a) and (b) are supposed to be in "1.0.x", (c) is
> supposed to be in "1.1.x", and (d) and (e) are supposed to be in "future".
> I would have tried to perfect this system even more if I had more confidence
> we could get through the bugs soon. Back in the Eazel days I used to use the
> bug database carefully, but it's a bit harder with so little time to tweak
> it, and without the reporting tools that I had created at
> that made it easy for me to look at the various milestones.
> In any case, perhaps someone can propose a simple set of milestone settings.
> The minimum that's required is some easy way to see the set of "must fix or
> we aren't ready to ship for Gnome 2" bugs.

I think these categories are reasonable. Here's where they stand

1.0.x		-    8 bugs
1.1.x		-   40 bugs
future		-  343 bugs
no milestone	- 1201 bugs

I think the only thing to do is to focus on the first two
categories. It would be great if people want to look through the
"future" bugs for ones that seem critical for GNOME 2 fixage. There
are some that I've put there in the last few months that might be
worth moving to 1.1.x, but my attitude has been that porting is enough
of a chore that anything that does not represent real breakage doesn't
make the cut. That means all the cool enhancements people have asked
for go to "future".

The "no milestone" stuff is just a junk heap right now. I could
really use some help plowing through it - at the rate I and some other
diehard bugsters have been going it will be 2003 before it's cleaned

It would be really great if the people on this list took a look at all
the bugs they have filed and made a cold, hard-nosed decision about
where they should go. You'd be amazed the number I find have
already been fixed and can cheerfully be closed.

John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h),
"I've noticed that most artists only repeat themselves."
 - Marcel Duchamp

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