[Nautilus-list] Re: [GNOME VFS] Re: location bar autocompletion

On 2/25/02 3:43 PM, "Alex Larsson" <alexl redhat com> wrote:

> But what about input? What URI do we generate if the user types some UTF8
> text with non-ascii characters in the location bar?
> The only thing that seems possible is to escape the UTF8 and try that. But
> that makes it impossible to type in the name of a file that is not UTF8
> encoded.

Not exactly. First, note that we can tell if they are typing a full path.
Things that start with "/" are full paths. So in that case, we can use
G_BROKEN_FILENAMES to decide whether to treat it was UTF-8 or whether to
locale-encode it first.

I think that will probably give us something acceptable. To type a strange
name, you just have to type the whole URI, entity encoded.

    -- Darin

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