[Nautilus-list] nautilus directory reload

Hi all,

after some search I got to the nautilus_directory_force_reload_internal function. Anyway I have not look at the code enough to see how it works.

One problem I see is affecting directory reload (load too?) is that it is doing some work that it is not needed.

I'm basing this on the 1.0.6 release without fam support.

Say you want to reload the home directory, you can create 20 empty files with the extension .tar.bz2, you are seeing them in the nautilus window. Now, delete them from the command line, and after that hit the reload button.

While you expect nautilus to draw the icon that are in the directory, you can see how nautilus first adds the non-readable and non-writable emblens to every .tar.bz2 file you deleted, then all the icons are deleted, the directory readed and the actual icons drawn.

As I don't know nautilus enough I can't make a path to simple "freeze" the nautilus directory view so that it does not waste cpu/time refreshing icon properties when they are to be deleted. Perhaps there are other actions that are being taken and are not necessary because the directory is being reloaded anyway.

I think this is not solved in new nautilus for gnome 2 (at least not in 1.1.3).

Hope this helps in getting reload faster.


Manuel Clos
llanero jazzfree com

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* If you can't do it well, do it nice (Bill Gates)

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