[Nautilus-list] Possible side project to promote Nautilus devel.

Hello all,

I have been currently trying to get away from the command line, like
many others, and using Nautilus for all my file browsing, launching of
applications, etc.

One thing I am frustrated by is that Nautilus just doesn't have enough
viewer/player/convenience components. Has anyone thought of starting a
sub initiative to promote the development of components for nautilus?

I was thinking that a list of wanted components could be made,
prioritized, and published on the Nautilus/GNOME website. Then to
promote the the sub initiative various development contests could be
held for prizes. I know I am willing to drop a few
dollars/pounds/yen/etc to motivate developers to build components that
would make my life easier :)

What does everyone think? 

I am willing to take the lead on promoting, getting prizes, getting a
good component tutorial together (with the help of others, because I am
a novice by far at developing components), developing, etc.

If this sounds like a good idea, I thought I'd start with an initial
component list. 

Please add/modify/delete from this list of components.

+ CVS viewer
  If you enter a directory with a valid CVS directory in it, this
  component would be available for use. Basically, it would add cvs
  options to menus and tool bars. Such as "Add to repository...",
  "Commit..", "Delete for repository...", etc.  Also, possibly add easy
  viewing of cvs logs/status too for individual files and the whole
  directory. I guess skies the limit.   

+ TAR  viewer
  I think this one existed in gmc. It should be able to uncompress from
  gz and bz2. 

+ ZIP viewer
  Self explanatory.

+ MP3/OGG/CD/etc player
  Just an improvement on the current music viewer to support more 

+ RPM viewer
  I think this one already exists?

+ Makefile convenience component
  See all the make targets in a menu/tool bar. Click on one and it
  "makes" that target

* Galeon component
  I know some people have been taking about this. I think it would be
  very beneficial.

-------------------------[ burra colorado edu ]-------------------------

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