Re: Additions to Music view...

On 30 Apr 2002, Martin Moeller wrote:

> Hello all.
> Are there any plans currently to add other types of music to the Music
> view than just MP3? I for one would love to have at least Ogg support as
> well. If modules (.MOD/.IT/.S3M/.XM, etc.) could be added too, that
> would really be great, and possibly MIDI.
> If it was possible to have some kind of rules file in .xml or something
> for handling various types of music that would be cool.
> At some point the same could be applied to other types of media...
> Is this something that should be added to bugzilla?
> PS: I'm running Nautilus 1.0.6, so if this is included in a later
> version, please tell me :) ...

Someone said Jorn forked it and made it use GStreamer + MonkeySound. I'd 
love to use that once GStreamer has stablilized a bit. (And mortal men can 
manage to build it.)

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's an uncontrollable soccer-playing paramedic who must take medication to 
keep him sane. She's a beautiful Bolivian widow with an evil twin sister. They 
fight crime! 

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