Re: optimizing NOP emissions (Re: [Nautilus-list] nautilus & signals)

> subclassing isn't necessarily faster, there's lots of extra type system
> stuff involved for this, and often it is cheaper to add one or two signal
> handlers to an object if minor tweaks of behaviour are desired.
> however, at a certain point of required behaviour changes, subclassing
> is the cleaner alternative (though it's somewhat tedious with our C based
> object system, which is why many developers step away from subclassing),
> and for a long time now, i more often lean towards subclassing than
> extensive signal/object-data hackery than not.

I agree, and i've often wondered if gtk/glib shouldn't include
a script for generating "stub" objects; i've written a couple
only one of which is partially adapted for glib2.0's object
system.  nonetheless it produces valid glib objects and i'd
be happy to tidy it up to make the rest of it work right
and be in proper glib-style if people actually want such a script.

this version goes way overboard, trying to provide
easy arguemnt (ie broken), signal and overriding by way
of a data file which describes such things.
for the moment, just ignore those details...
not all of which work 2.0 style (eg the thing still
spits out 1.2 argument implementation)
i'd probably cut that out, unless the added complexity seems worth
it.  (i have another script which scans .h files to make the data files)

see attached script.
- dave
#! /usr/bin/perl -w

sub usage();
sub maybe_load_user_info ($);
sub finish_with_user_type_info ($$);

$debug_version = ($0 =~ /-debug$/);
$debug_suffix = $debug_version ? "-debug" : "";

$gsk_prefix = `gsk-config$debug_suffix --prefix`;
if ($? != 0)
  { $gsk_prefix = "/usr/local" }
  { chomp ($gsk_prefix) }

@default_skeleton_data_locations = (

  'gboolean' => 'G_TYPE_BOOL',
  'int' => 'G_TYPE_INT',
  'gint' => 'G_TYPE_INT',
  'uint' => 'G_TYPE_UINT',
  'guint' => 'G_TYPE_UINT',
  'double' => 'G_TYPE_DOUBLE',
  'gdouble' => 'G_TYPE_DOUBLE',
  'char *' => 'G_TYPE_STRING',
  'string' => 'G_TYPE_STRING',

  'string' => 'char *'


# User-defined (in .skeleton-data) information.
# map containing argument shortcut data.

# table from type => parent_type (expressed as studly-capped class-names)

# Map from method-name to list of methods with that name
# (in different parts of the type-hierarchy)

# Whether to output the code to standard-output.
$to_stdout = 0;

# Whether to be brief.
$brief = 0;

sub dash_to_uc($)
  my $rv = $_[0];
  $rv =~ s/-/_/g;
  return $rv;

sub count_spaces($)
  my $x = $_[0];
  my $in = 0;
  while ($x =~ s/^(\s)//)
      if ($1 eq "\t")
	  $in += 8 - ($in % 8);
  return $in;
sub print_at_indent($$$)
  my ($fh, $indent, $str) = @_;
  my @lines = split /\n/, $str;
  while ($lines[0] =~ /^(\s*)$/)
      shift @lines;
  $lines[0] =~ /^(\s*)/;
  my $ws_len = count_spaces ($1);
  for (@lines)
      my $cur_ws_len = count_spaces ($1);
      print $fh (" " x ($cur_ws_len - $ws_len + $indent)), $_, "\n";

sub print_at_indent_except_first($$$)
  my ($fh, $indent, $str) = @_;
  my @lines = split /\n/, $str;
  while (scalar (@lines) > 0 && $lines[0] =~ /^(\s*)$/)
      shift @lines;
  $lines[0] =~ /^(\s*)/;
  my $ws_len = count_spaces ($1);
  my $first = 1;
  for (@lines)
      my $cur_ws_len = count_spaces ($1);
      if ($first)
	  print $fh $_, "\n";
	  $first = 0;
	  print $fh (" " x ($cur_ws_len - $ws_len + $indent)), $_, "\n";

sub parse_arg_spec ($)
  my @pieces = split /:/, $_[0];
  my $arg_name = shift (@pieces);
  my $arg_type = shift (@pieces);
  my $rv = {'name' => $arg_name, 'type' => $arg_type};
  die "error parsing arg spec $_[0]" unless defined $arg_type;
  for my $piece (@pieces)
      if ($piece eq 'ro')
	  $rv->{readonly} = 1;
      if ($piece eq 'wo')
	  $rv->{writeonly} = 1;
      if ($piece eq 't')
	  $rv->{trivial} = 1;
      die "error parsing arg spec `$_[0]' at `:$piece'";
  $rv->{name} = $arg_name;
  $rv->{cname} = dash_to_uc ($rv->{name});
  $rv->{enum_name} = "ARG_" . uc($rv->{cname});

  if (defined ($USER_ARG_TYPE_INFO {$arg_type}))
      finish_with_user_type_info ($rv, $arg_type);
      return $rv;

  if ($arg_type =~ /(.*)_TYPE_(.*)/)
      my $tmp = lc ($1 . "_" . $2);
      $rv->{type_macro} = $arg_type;
      $tmp =~ s/_([0-9a-z])/uc($1)/eg;
      $tmp =~ s/^([0-9a-z])/uc($1)/e;
      $rv->{ctype} = "$tmp *";
      $rv->{var_prefix} = $rv->{ctype};
      if (defined ($CTYPE_LOOKUP{$rv->{type}}))
        { $rv->{ctype} = $CTYPE_LOOKUP{$rv->{type}}; }
	{ $rv->{ctype} = $rv->{type}; }
      $rv->{var_prefix} = $rv->{ctype} . " ";
      $rv->{type_macro} = $TYPE_MACRO_LOOKUP{$rv->{type}};
      die "unknown type $rv->{type}" unless defined $rv->{type_macro};
  $rv->{value_macro} = $VALUE_MACRO_LOOKUP{$rv->{type_macro}};
  if (!defined ($rv->{value_macro}))
      $rv->{value_macro} = 'G_VALUE_OBJECT';
      $rv->{needs_cast} = 1;
      $rv->{cast_macro} = $rv->{type_macro};
      $rv->{cast_macro} =~ s/_TYPE//;
  return $rv;

@methods = ();
@ifaces = ();
@config_paths = ();

for (@ARGV)
    if (/--config=(.*)/)
        push (@config_paths, (split /,/, $1));

if (scalar (@config_paths) == 0)
    @config_paths = @default_skeleton_data_locations;

read_configs (@config_paths);

while (defined($option = shift))
  last unless $option =~ /^-/;

  if ($option =~ /^--arg=(.*)/)
      my $tmp = $1;
      push @arg_data, parse_arg_spec ($tmp);
  if ($option =~ /^--method=(.*)/)
      my $method_list = $1;
      push @methods, (split /,/, $method_list);
  if ($option =~ /^--implement=(.*)/)
      my $iface_list = $1;
      push @ifaces, (split /,/, $iface_list);
  if ($option =~ /^--config/)
  if ($option eq '--brief')
      $brief = 1;
  if ($option eq '--stdout')
      $to_stdout = 1;
  usage ();

for my $t (@ifaces)
    die "unknown interface $t" unless defined $USER_IFACE_INFO{$t};

undef $/;
$std_header = <DATA>;
$/ = "\n";

$new = $option;
$base = shift(@ARGV);

sub usage() {
	print STDERR <<"EOF";
usage: $0 [-p] [OPTIONS]
	             GdamNew GdamBase

Defines a new class named `GdamNew' deriving from `GdamBase'
and writes the most tedious bits of Gtk macro.

Arguments may be built at the same time; the SPEC is a colon-seperated
list of fields:


   Output the .c and .h files to standard-output.

   Skip unnecessary comments.


   Provide alternate information to use for the type hierarchy,
   methods and interfaces.


   Arg-Type may be either a full gtk type macro
   or one of the known abbreviations (int, uint, double, etc).

   Options may be `ro' for read-only, `wo' for write-only,
   `c' for construct-only, `t' for trivial, meaning "make a stub member
   and write set/get bodies.


   Provide stub interface or virtual method implementations.

Methods only work in conjunction with .skeleton-data,
they cause stub prototypes for known methods to be added to
the .c file.

  exit (1);

usage () unless defined $base;

$new_und_lc = $new;
$new_und_lc =~ s/([A-Z])/"_" . lc($1)/eg; $new_und_lc =~ s/^_//;
$new_und_uc = uc($new_und_lc);

$base_und_lc = $base;
$base_und_lc =~ s/([A-Z])/"_" . lc($1)/eg; $base_und_lc =~ s/^_//;
$base_und_uc = uc($base_und_lc);

$fname = $new_und_lc;
$fname =~ s/_//g;

$suffix_uc = $new_und_uc; $suffix_uc =~ s/^.+?_//;
$prefix_uc = $new_und_uc; $prefix_uc =~ s/_.*//;
$suffix_lc = lc($suffix_uc);
$prefix_lc = lc($prefix_uc);
$typemacro = "${prefix_uc}_TYPE_${suffix_uc}";

$base_suffix_uc = $base_und_uc; $base_suffix_uc =~ s/^.+?_//;
$base_prefix_uc = $base_und_uc; $base_prefix_uc =~ s/_.*//;
$base_suffix_lc = lc($base_suffix_uc);
#$base_prefix_lc = lc($base_prefix_uc);
$basetypemacro = "${base_prefix_uc}_TYPE_${base_suffix_uc}";

# Script to output a template of a gdam class.

$filename = "$fname.h";
$filename .= ".generated" if -e $filename;
if ($to_stdout)
    open HFILE, ">&STDOUT";
    open HFILE, ">$filename";
print HFILE $std_header;
if (!$to_stdout)
    print HFILE <<"EOF";
#ifndef __${new_und_uc}_H_
#define __${new_und_uc}_H_



print HFILE "/* --- typedefs --- */\n" unless $brief;

print HFILE <<"EOF";
typedef struct _${new} ${new};
typedef struct _${new}Class ${new}Class;

print HFILE "/* --- type macros --- */\n" unless $brief;
print HFILE <<"EOF";
GType ${prefix_lc}_${suffix_lc}_get_type(void) G_GNUC_CONST;
#define $typemacro			(${new_und_lc}_get_type ())
#define ${new_und_uc}(obj)              (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), $typemacro, $new))
#define ${new_und_uc}_CLASS(klass)      (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), $typemacro, ${new}Class))
#define ${new_und_uc}_GET_CLASS(obj)    (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), $typemacro, ${new}Class))
#define ${prefix_uc}_IS_${suffix_uc}(obj)           (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), $typemacro))
#define ${prefix_uc}_IS_${suffix_uc}_CLASS(klass)   (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), $typemacro))

print HFILE "/* --- structures --- */\n" unless $brief;

print HFILE <<"EOF";
struct _${new}Class 
  ${base}Class ${base_suffix_lc}_class;
struct _${new} 
  ${base}      $base_suffix_lc;

for my $arg (@arg_data)
    my $name = $arg->{cname};
    if (defined ($arg->{trivial}))
	if (defined ($arg->{trivial_struct_def}))
	    for my $line (split /\n/, $arg->{trivial_struct_def})
	        $line =~ s/^\s+//;
		$line =~ s/\ CNAME\@/$name/g;
		print HFILE "  $line\n";
	    print HFILE "  ", $arg->{ctype}, " ", $arg->{cname}, ";\n";

print HFILE "};\n";

print HFILE "/* --- prototypes --- */\n" unless $brief;

if (!$to_stdout)
    print HFILE <<"EOF";


$filename = "$fname.c";
$filename .= ".generated" if -e $filename;

$GET_PARENT = $basetypemacro;

if ($to_stdout)
    open CFILE, ">&STDOUT";
    open CFILE, ">$filename";
print CFILE "$std_header#include \"$fname.h\"\n" unless $to_stdout;

print CFILE <<"EOF";
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;


# --- Method & interface stubs ---
sub print_method_stub($)
  my $meth = $_[0];
  die unless defined $meth;
  print CFILE "static ", $meth->{return_value}, "\n",
	      "${new_und_lc}_", $meth->{name}, " ";
  my $indent = length ("${new_und_lc}_" . $meth->{name} . " ");
  print_at_indent_except_first ('CFILE', $indent, $meth->{signature});
  print CFILE "{\n  ...\n}\n\n";
sub method_matches_type ($$)
  my ($meth_name, $type_name) = @_;
  my $methods = $USER_METHODS{$meth_name};
  return undef unless $methods;
  for (@$methods)
      return $_ if ($_->{object_type} eq $type_name);
  return undef;

%needed_classes = ();

my $cur_type = $base;
while (defined ($cur_type))
    my $first_method = 1;
    for $m (@methods)
	my $meth = method_matches_type ($m, $cur_type);
        if (defined ($meth))
	    if ($first_method)
	        print CFILE "/* --- $cur_type methods --- */\n" unless $brief;
		$first_method = 0;
		$needed_classes{$cur_type} = 1;
	    print_method_stub ($meth);
    $cur_type = $USER_TYPE_PARENT{$cur_type};

for my $iface (@ifaces)
    my $iface_info = $USER_IFACE_INFO{$iface};
    print CFILE "/* --- $iface interface definition --- */\n\n";
    my $methods = $iface_info->{methods};
    for my $m (@$methods)
        print_method_stub ($m);

# --- Arguments ---
$settable = 0;
$gettable = 0;
for (@arg_data) 
    $settable = 1 unless $_->{readonly};
    $gettable = 1 unless $_->{writeonly};

if (scalar (@ifaces) != 0 || $settable || $gettable)
  { $needed_classes{GObject} = 1 }

if ($settable || $gettable)
    my $spaces____ = " " x length ($new_und_lc);
print CFILE <<"EOF";
/* --- arguments --- */
    for (@arg_data) 
        print CFILE "  ", $_->{enum_name}, ",\n";
print CFILE <<"EOF";
    if ($gettable)
	print CFILE <<"EOF";

static void
${new_und_lc}_get_arg (GObject *object,
${spaces____}          GParam    *arg,
${spaces____}          guint      arg_id)
  $new *$suffix_lc = $new_und_uc (object);
  switch (arg_id)
	for (@arg_data)
	    next if $_->{writeonly};
	    print CFILE "    case ", $_->{enum_name}, ":\n";
	    my $value_macro = $_->{value_macro};
	    if ($_->{trivial})
		if ($_->{trivial_get})
		    my $tmp = $_->{trivial_get};
		    $tmp =~ s/\ THIS\@/$suffix_lc/gs;
		    my $n = $_->{cname};
		    $tmp =~ s/\ CNAME\@/$n/gs;
		    print_at_indent ('CFILE', 6, "$tmp\n");
		elsif ($_->{needs_cast})
		    print CFILE "      $value_macro (*arg) = ",
		                "GTK_OBJECT (",
				$_->{cname}, ");\n";
		    print CFILE "      $value_macro (*arg) = $suffix_lc->",
				$_->{cname}, ";\n";
		print CFILE "      $value_macro (*arg) = ...;\n";
	    print CFILE "      break;\n";
	print CFILE <<"EOF";

    if ($settable)
print CFILE <<"EOF";

static void
${new_und_lc}_set_arg (GObject *object,
${spaces____}          GParam    *param,
${spaces____}          guint      arg_id)
  $new *$suffix_lc = $new_und_uc (object);
  switch (arg_id)
        for (@arg_data)
            next if $_->{readonly};
	    print CFILE "    case ", $_->{enum_name}, ":\n";
	    my $value_macro = $_->{value_macro};
	    if ($_->{trivial})
		if ($_->{trivial_set})
		    my $tmp = $_->{trivial_set};
		    $tmp =~ s/\ THIS\@/$suffix_lc/gs;
		    my $n = $_->{cname};
		    $tmp =~ s/\ CNAME\@/$n/gs;
		    print_at_indent ('CFILE', 6, "$tmp\n");
		elsif ($_->{needs_cast})
		    print CFILE "      $suffix_lc->", $_->{cname}, 
				" = ", $_->{cast_macro}, " (",
				"$value_macro (*arg));\n";
		    print CFILE "      $suffix_lc->", $_->{cname}, 
				" = $value_macro (*arg);\n";
	        print CFILE "      {\n";
		if ($_->{needs_cast})
		    my $cast = $_->{cast_macro};
		    print CFILE "        $_->{var_prefix}tmp = $cast ($value_macro (*arg));\n";
		    print CFILE "        $_->{var_prefix}tmp = $value_macro (*arg);\n";
	        print CFILE "        ...\n";
	        print CFILE "      }\n";
	    print CFILE "      break;\n";
	print CFILE <<"EOF";


print CFILE <<"EOF";
/* --- functions --- */
static void
${new_und_lc}_init ($new *$suffix_lc)
static void
${new_und_lc}_class_init (${new}Class *class)
  parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (class);

sub make_u_name ($)
  my $type_name = $_[0];
  my $u_name = $type_name;
  $u_name =~ s/([A-Z])/"_" . lc($1)/eg;
  $u_name =~ s/^_//;
  return $u_name;

for my $iface (@ifaces)
    print CFILE "  static ${iface}Iface ", make_u_name ($iface."Iface"), " =\n",
                "  {\n";
    my $iobject = $USER_IFACE_INFO{$iface};
    die unless defined $iobject;
    my $ms = $iobject->{methods};
    for my $m (@$ms) { print CFILE "    ${new_und_lc}_", $m->{name}, ",\n" }
    print CFILE "  };\n";

for my $type_name (sort keys %needed_classes)
    my $u_name = make_u_name ($type_name);
    my $short_name = $u_name;
    $short_name =~ s/^[^_]*_//;
    my $all_caps = uc($u_name);
    print CFILE "  ${type_name}Class *${short_name}_class = ${all_caps}_CLASS (class);\n";

for my $type_name (sort keys %needed_classes)
    for my $method (@methods)
	my $m = method_matches_type ($method, $type_name);
	if (defined ($m))
	    my $u_name = make_u_name ($type_name);
	    my $short_name = $u_name;
	    $short_name =~ s/^[^_]*_//;
	    print CFILE "  ${short_name}_class->", $m->{name}, " = ${new_und_lc}_", $m->{name}, ";\n";

if ($settable)
    print CFILE "  object_class->set_arg = ${new_und_lc}_set_arg;\n";
if ($gettable)
    print CFILE "  object_class->get_arg = ${new_und_lc}_get_arg;\n";
for (@arg_data)
    my $flags;
    if (defined($_->{readonly}))     { $flags = 'G_PARAM_READABLE' }
    elsif (defined($_->{writeonly})) { $flags = 'G_PARAM_WRITABLE' }
    else                             { $flags = 'G_PARAM_READWRITE' }
    if (defined($_->{construct_only})){$flags .= ' | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY' };

    print CFILE "  g_object_class_add_param_spec (\"${new}::", $_->{name}, "\",\n",
                "                           ", $_->{type_macro}, ",\n",
                "                           $flags,\n",
                "                           ", $_->{enum_name}, ");\n";
    if (defined ($_->{post_add_arg}))
        my $tmp = $_->{post_add_arg};
	my $name = $_->{name};
	$tmp =~ s/^\s*\{//;
	$tmp =~ s/\}\s*$//;
	$tmp =~ s/\ QUOTED_NAME\@/"$name"/gs;
	$tmp =~ s/\ TYPE\@/object_class->type/gs;
        print_at_indent ('CFILE', 2, $tmp);

for (@ifaces)
    my $u_name = make_u_name ($_);
    my $short_name = $u_name;
    $short_name =~ s/^([^_]*)_//;
    my $prefix = $1;
    my $iface_type = uc($prefix . "_type_" . $short_name . "_iface");
    print CFILE "  gsk_interface_implement ($iface_type,\n",
                "                           object_class,\n",
		"                           \&$u_name);\n";

print CFILE <<"EOF";

GType ${new_und_lc}_get_type()
  static GType ${suffix_lc}_type = 0;
  if (!${suffix_lc}_type)
      static const GTypeInfo ${suffix_lc}_info =
	(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
	(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
	(GClassInitFunc) ${new_und_lc}_class_init,
	NULL,		/* class_finalize */
	NULL,		/* class_data */
	sizeof ($new),
	0,		/* n_preallocs */
	(GInstanceInitFunc) ${new_und_lc}_init,
	NULL		/* value_table */
      ${suffix_lc}_type = g_type_register_static ($GET_PARENT,
						  &${suffix_lc}_info, 0);
  return ${suffix_lc}_type;

# --- User Type Information ---

sub read_directive ($)
  my $fh = $_[0];
  my $bias = 0;
  my $rv = '';
  my $got_something = 0;
  my $start_line = $.;
  while (<$fh>)
      $got_something = 1;
      $rv .= ' ' unless ($rv eq '');
      my $continued = 0;
      $continued = 1 if s/\\$//;
      $rv .= $_;
      $bias += tr/({/({/;
      $bias -= tr/)}/)}/;
      next if $continued;
      last if $bias == 0;
  if ($bias != 0)
      print STDERR "Parenthesis/brace mismatch starting at line $start_line.\n";
  return $got_something ? $rv : undef;

# scan shortcut info from a file, returning the first unknown line.
sub scan_shortcut ($$)
  my ($fh, $shortcut) = @_;
  while (defined ($line=read_directive ($fh)))
      chomp ($line);
      if ($line =~ s/^Trivial-Set://)
	{ $shortcut->{trivial_set} = $line; }
      elsif ($line =~ s/^Non-Trivial-Set://)
	{ $shortcut->{nontrivial_set} = $line; }
      elsif ($line =~ s/^Trivial-Get://)
	{ $shortcut->{trivial_get} = $line; }
      elsif ($line =~ s/^Non-Trivial-Get://)
	{ $shortcut->{nontrivial_get} = $line; }
      elsif ($line =~ s/^Trivial-Struct-Def://)
        { $shortcut->{trivial_struct_def} = $line; }
      elsif ($line =~ s/^Type-Macro://)
        { $shortcut->{type_macro} = $line; }
      elsif ($line =~ s/^Arg-Validator-Add://)
        { $shortcut->{post_add_arg} = $line; }
	  return $line;
  return undef;

# scan an interface definition
sub scan_iface ($$)
  my ($fh, $iface) = @_;
  my $methods = $iface->{methods} = [];

  while (defined ($line=read_directive ($fh)))
      if ($line =~ /^Iface-Method:\s*(.*)/)
	  my $method = {'name'=>$1, 'iface'=>$iface};
	  $line = scan_method ($fh, $method);
	  push @$methods, $method;
	  redo if defined $line;
      elsif ($line =~ /^\s*$/)
	  return $line;
  return undef;

# scan method info from a file, returning the last line.
sub scan_method ($$)
  my ($fh, $method) = @_;
  while (defined ($line=read_directive ($fh)))
      if ($line =~ /^Type:\s*(.*)/)
	  $method->{object_type} = $1;
      elsif ($line =~ /^Machine-Generated:\s*(.*)/)
	  $method->{machine_generated} = $1;
      elsif ($line =~ s/^Return-Value:\s*//)
	  chomp ($line);
	  $line =~ s/\s+$//s;
	  $method->{return_value} = $line;
      elsif ($line =~ s/Signature://)
	  $method->{signature} = $line;
	  return $line;
  return undef;

sub maybe_load_user_info ($)
  open RCFILE, $_[0] or return;
  while (<RCFILE>)
      next if /^$/;

      if (/^Base-Class:\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/)
	  my $parent = $1;
	  my $child = $2;
	  $USER_TYPE_PARENT{$child} = $parent;
      elsif (/^Arg-Shortcut:\s*(\S+)$/)
	  my $shortcut = {'name' => $1};
          $USER_ARG_TYPE_INFO{$1} = $shortcut;
	  $_ = scan_shortcut ('RCFILE', $shortcut);
	  redo if defined;
      elsif (/^Method:\s*(\S+)$/)
	  my $method = {'name' => $1};
	  my $list = $USER_METHODS{$1};
          if (defined ($list))
	    { push @$list, $method }
	    { $USER_METHODS{$1} = [$method] }
	  $_ = scan_method ('RCFILE', $method);
	  redo if defined;
      elsif (/^Interface:\s*(\S+)$/)
	  my $iface = {'name' => $1};
	  $USER_IFACE_INFO{$1} = $iface;
	  $_ = scan_iface ('RCFILE', $iface);
	    my $ms = $iface->{methods};
	  redo if defined;
	  die "unrecognized line $. in $_[0] ($_)";
  close (RCFILE);
sub finish_with_user_type_info ($$)
  my ($arg_info, $type) = @_;
  my $shortcut = $USER_ARG_TYPE_INFO{$type};
  die unless defined $shortcut;

  for (qw(trivial_set trivial_get nontrivial_set nontrivial_get
          trivial_struct_def type_macro ctype post_add_arg))
      if (defined ($shortcut->{$_}))
	  $arg_info->{$_} = $shortcut->{$_}
sub read_configs
  print STDOUT "read_configs(@_)\n";
  for my $f (@_)
      if (-d $f)
	  opendir Z, "$f" or die "couldn't read $f/";
	  for my $subf (readdir Z)
	      next if ($subf eq '.' || $subf eq '..');
	      maybe_load_user_info ("$f/$subf") if (-e "$f/$subf");
	  closedir Z;
	  maybe_load_user_info ($f);


=head1 NAME

skeleton - Generate template .h and .c files for the Glib Type System.


skeleton [-p] [--arg=SPEC ...] YourDerived YourBase


C<gsk-skeleton> output the most tedious code required
by the Gtk/Gsk systems.  It will write C<.c> and C<.h>
files named as the new class (except lower-case).
If either of those files already exist, C<gsk-skeleton>
will write a C<.c.generated> or C<.h.generated>, respectively.

A number of things may be done to immediately configure
the class:

=over 4


Arg-Type may be either a full gtk type macro
or one of the known abbreviations (int, uint, double, etc).

Options may be C<ro> for read-only, C<wo> for write-only,
C<c> for construct-only, C<t> for trivial, meaning "make a stub member
and write set/get bodies."

=item --implement=INTERFACE

Write out stub implementation of the specified interface.

=item --method=METHOD

Write out stub implementation of the specified method.



C<skeleton> also tries to read a C<.skeleton-data>
from the current direction; it may contain shortcuts and
method signatures used in skeletonizing.

Generally, the format of the config file
is there is one-directive per line, however, a mismatched
parenthesis will cause continuation, e.g.

    Method: on_accept
    Machine-Generated: true
    Return-Value: gboolean
    (GskActorListener *listener,
     GskMainLoop      *main_loop,
     GskStreamSocket  *accepted,
     GskSocketAddress *addr)

Because of the mismatched parenthesis, the Signature clause
is treated as one directive.

There are several special directives: B<Method>, B<Arg-Shortcut>,
B<Interface> and B<Base-Class>.

C<Method> directives indicate that a particular class implements a
particular virtual method.  

C<Base-Class> describes a inheritance relationship in the type tree.

C<Arg-Shortcut> describes a bit of glue code to inject
for common argument idioms, for example, manipulating
a GskSocketLocation into a GskSocketAddress (non-pointer).

=head2 Arg-Shortcuts

Often a certain idiom is used frequently in conjunction
with certain argument types.  For example, C<GskSocketLocation>
is generally used as an object which encapsulates
a C<GskSocketAddress>.  It is common to use it just to extract the
GskSocketAddress into a member of the appropriate class.
See C<Arg-Shortcut: sockaddr> from the C<gsk-skeleton-shortcuts>
file that comes with GSK.


/* Insert header here. */

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