Re: [Nautilus-list] iconv problem

Alex Larsson wrote:

On Sun, 21 Oct 2001, Darin Adler wrote:

Could one of the Red Hat Labs folks who worked on the desktop icon code
contribute a fix to resolve this iconv build problem?

If that's not possible, I'll get to it some time later this week, and
probably make a 1.0.6 release after that.

Stolen from glib 2, but untested, since i have no machine with libiconv.

/ Alex

RCS file: /cvs/gnome/nautilus/,v
retrieving revision 1.371
diff -u -p -r1.371
---	2001/10/16 02:38:41	1.371
+++	2001/10/24 15:19:39
@@ -333,6 +333,37 @@ AC_CHECK_HEADERS(cdda_interface.h cdda_p

dnl ====================================
+dnl Tests for iconv
+dnl ====================================
+AC_ARG_WITH(libiconv, [ --with-libiconv     Use the libiconv library ],,with_libiconv=maybe)
+if test "x$with_libiconv" != "xyes" ; then
+ # + # Check in the C library + #
+   AC_CHECK_FUNC(iconv_open, with_libiconv=no; found_iconv=yes)
+if test "x$with_libiconv" != "xno" ; then
+   #
+   # Check for libiconv
+   #
+   AC_CHECK_LIB(iconv, libiconv_open, with_libiconv=yes; found_iconv=yes)
+if test "x$found_iconv" = "xno" ; then
+   AC_MSG_ERROR([*** No iconv() implementation found in C library or libiconv])
+if test "x$with_libiconv" = "xyes" ; then
+  ICONV_LIBS="-liconv"
+dnl ====================================
dnl Gnome libraries.
dnl ====================================

Index: libnautilus-private/
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/nautilus/libnautilus-private/,v
retrieving revision 1.197
diff -u -p -r1.197
--- libnautilus-private/	2001/10/08 19:07:48	1.197
+++ libnautilus-private/	2001/10/24 15:19:40
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ libnautilus_private_la_LDFLAGS =	\
	$(LIBJPEG) 			\
	$(MEDUSA_LIBS) 			\
	$(FAM_LIBS) 			\
+	$(ICONV_LIBS)			\

nautilus-list mailing list
nautilus-list lists eazel com

I'll test it in a few moment

  _/_/_/   _/    _/  _/      /      Remi Cohen-Scali
  _/      _/    _/  _/_/   _/       Development engineer
 _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/  _/ _/        Network Service Provider Division
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