Re: [Nautilus-list] Big performance problems (was: Help finding must-fix for 1.0.5 bugs)

Lo Darin,

On Fri, 12 Oct 2001 13:26:42 -0700 you wrote:

  | > Yep, this neatly describes the problems I have with the CVS version.
  | > Some time ago I mentioned here the ridiculous startup time of 40-50
  | > seconds with CVS HEAD. It got a little better with Havoc's trash
  | > search changes, but not by much. 
  | What startup time did you have with 1.0.4? Seth says his startup time
  | doubled, from 24 seconds to 46 seconds. Did yours double too?

I'm pretty sure about this. It was around 10-15 IIRC. Changed my drive 
recently, a quite fast one.

I thought it had to do with dynalinking, so I threw out mozilla - doesn't

Actually, the nautilus desktop starts up pretty fast. It's just the file

  | > I'm a developer - what can I do to track down what's going on?
  | Not sure.
  | > And is the requirement list in HEAD's README really up to date?
  | I updated it recently. What seems out of date to you?

I don't know. I suspect that it has something to do with a switch to some
or other library. I'll try to go back to 1.0.4 with my current libset and 
check things out.


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