Re: [Nautilus-list] slow redraw behaviour

Thomas Cataldo <tomc compaqnet fr> writes:

> Hi,
> When I open two nautilus windows, and move one of them rapidly, the 2
> windows and the desktop are redrawing very slowly, but the other gtk
> windows like evolution on the same desktop have no problem.
> I think that the problem is that all the 3 windows (desktop + 2 nautilus
> windows) are repainting in the same thread. Is this a fixable issue or
> do we have to wait for gtk 2 to have one gmainloop for each window ?
> Could something like pthread_create(&thread, 0, gtk_main, 0); fix this
> thing with gtk 1 ? If you think this is possible, I will be happy to
> look at it.

You might want to try starting your X server with the  -dumbSched
option. The "smart scheduler" in XFree86 is frequently far
from smart and can stop serving clients that are doing a 
lot of X traffic it can handle clients that are doing
less X traffic more efficiently.

Trying to thread the GUI more extensively would not be that 
simple and I doubt it would help much. Nautilus already does
most time-intensive IO operations in a separate thread.


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